How much does a personalized painting cost?

How much does a personalized painting cost?

Offering a personalized painting is a very original way to please

It is a unique gift specially addressed to the person. It is difficult to go wrong given that the painting will be tailor-made to please the person.
We will then have to get as close as possible to the tastes of the person concerned: pop art or minimalist style, or realistic or graphic , light or pastel or dark or warm colors ...
It is also important to create a painting that is as in harmony as possible with its interior; in which room will we put the painting: living room, kitchen, office, bedroom?
This will lead to choosing the format of the canvas, square , portrait, landscape and its dimensions.
We let you enjoy here a short interview with LouiseM, artist specializing in personalized art

Factors that influence the price of a personalized painting

The price of a personalized painting will vary depending on several elements:
-the size
-the chosen medium
-the chosen technique: acrylic, drawing, digital
- and also the degree of personalization or the complexity of the creation.

Clearly, the price will depend on the time spent by the artist which itself depends on all the factors previously mentioned

  • The size of the table

The size of the painting varies depending on the destination wall .
If your wall is large, for example the wall of your living room , the painting can easily reach a size of 2mx1.40m .
We can also imagine a painting as a diptych or triptych .
For a smaller room, such as an office , a bedroom , you can go with a smaller canvas, such as 1.20x0.80cm .
It's also important to consider the colors and style of your room before choosing a canvas .
Generally speaking, the larger the table, the higher the price.

  • The board support

aluminum frame for fixing aluminum composite panel

The support will give style to the decoration of your interior.
The canvas on stretcher is a classic material which, framed in the style of your decoration, will blend into the environment. The aluminum composite will bring a touch of modernity to your interior, especially if it is fixed with spacers, which moves the work of art away from the wall and accentuates its relief. The appearance is generally soft and shiny.
You will find further explanations here

Each painter has his own habits and requirements.
Each uses well-defined equipment and has its preferred printing and chassis mounting suppliers . There is therefore no standard price and it is impossible to classify media in order of price.
It is therefore important when estimating to distinguish the supports, for example printing on canvas on a frame or printing on aluminum composite.

  • the chosen technique: acrylic, drawing, digital

In all 3 cases, the artist will create .

aluminum frame for fixing aluminum composite panel

The support will give style to the decoration of your interior.
The canvas on stretcher is a classic material which, framed in the style of your decoration, will blend into the environment. The aluminum composite will bring a touch of modernity to your interior, especially if it is fixed with spacers, which moves the work of art away from the wall and accentuates its relief. The appearance is generally soft and shiny.

In the case of digital creation , the artist will print a digital file on different types of files.

Generally  a 2mx2m acrylic piece will have more value than the equivalent in size in a digital file by the same author.
Counterexamples exist and it is difficult to establish a generality. Each case must be considered as individual.

  • The complexity of personalization

There are several ways to approach a custom board .

The artist will more or less listen and take into account his client's information: images, words, dates, photos...
He can integrate new elements chosen by his client into an existing canvas. He can also, of course, create a custom work from a blank canvas.

Often the personalized painting is associated with a reinterpreted portrait.
Some artists like LouiseM go further and encapsulate much more information in a work which can go as far as a slice of life.

You will find examples of personalized tables by clicking onthis link


Prices for painters

It is very difficult to give a price ranking for a personalized table.
The prices of painters can vary widely depending on their experience and reputation . Prices can range from a few hundred to several thousand euros.
Pricing may also be based on the time and labor required to create a painting, as well as the cost of materials used . It is important to note that not all painters charge the same rates, and the rate can also vary depending on the type of paint requested.

It should be noted that a passionate and little-known artist will devote more time to the work requested and will make an effort to absorb your brief , whereas an artist known for a particular style will tend to impose his style and vision. .
It is therefore strong to think that it is more judicious to contact a less known artist but whose work you like to be sure of the time and application that he will put into transforming your request into a piece of art. art.
You really have to look at examples of recent customization work to understand the artist's way of working.

artist draws

Generally a birthday painting is a common gift . This allows you to have a larger budget. The artist can then work with a single contact, representative of the group, to create a work as close as possible to what all the participants want.

Each artist will work by estimation and will be able to give you an estimate once you have sent them all your specifications .

In conclusion, of course it is important that the artist can offer a painting within your budget but as we have just seen, the price is not the only criterion to look at.  Before embarking on this great adventure of creating a personalized table, it is important to validate several points:

-  the artist's style must match or the artist must be, like a chameleon, able to adapt to what you want.
- the artist must work the material for which you have opted in the dimensions you have chosen; and above all, the most important, and that the artist is capable not of making the painting he likes but the painting that you like .
You must be at the center of the story . The artist must have the ability to listen to you. It must give you the latitude to create by letting you participate as if you were the artist somewhere. He must let you penetrate his world so that you make the work your own. So it is certain that it will be a real personalized painting

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